Opening Hours
Tues 11-7pm
Wed 11am-5pm
Thu 11-8pm
Fri & Sat 11-5pm
You’re thinking of hiring a costume but, germs. We get it. So here’s what we do:
– Cleaning, lots of it. Everything is washed, sterilised and steam cleaned in our store so we guarantee it’s Covid-free.
– We wear protective gear when handling costumes – we don’t want the bug either.
– All hire costumes that are worn, even just a try-on in the shop, are cleaned and quarantined for 48 hours before being hired.
– Also: private appointments, please make one if you’d rather not share the shop with other customers.
– Delivery: book before 3pm and we deliver hire costumes at no extra charge within 10km of the Sydney CBD the same day.